Friday, June 4, 2010

Internal and External parts of the computer

(A) Front Portion :-
1 Power on Switch
2 Reset or restart button
3 USB port (Universal Serial Bus )
4 Sound port
5 CD Driver :
B) Back Portion :-

1 Fan housing
2 Line out (Female wire is used)
3 Line in (Male wire is used )
4 Key board Port
5 Mouse Port
6 Serial Port
7 Monitor Port
8 Parallel port
9 NIC Port (Network interface Card )
10 USB port
11 Sound Port
C) Mother Board :-
1 Slots
2 RAM(Random Access Memory )
3 Processor
4 Processor colling fan
5 Cell
6 Data cable
7 Sata cable
D) Hard Disk
E) SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply )

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