Sunday, June 6, 2010

Generation of the Computer

First Generation (1943-1958
The storage media or memory used in the first generation computer was vacuum tube. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first electronic general computer. It used vacuum tubes (18,000) and could do 300 multiplications per second.

Second Generation (1958-1965)
The computers using transistors as storage media were classified as second Generation computers. One transistor could do the task of 1000 vacuum tubes. Second generation computers were relatively smaller than the first generation computers. Computers were much faster and reliable. They had greater computing capacity.

Third Generations (1965-1973)
Third Generation computers were general-purpose computers. In 1964, International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation announced its system 360 family of mainframe computers. They are much faster as they used small chips containing thousands of parts integrated in them. Floppy disks. Hard disk, taps of card were used in this generation of computers. Large scale integration (LSI) about 20,000 transistors.

Fourth Generation (1973- Now)

While third generation computers saw the use of integrated circuits in building computers, the fourth generation is characterized by the increased number of circuits, allows more data to be stored on a memory chip. Lare Scale Integration (LSI) and very large scale integration (VLSI), allows memory chips having thousands of storage locations. Fourth generation computers have microprocessor, which have serial numbers. The serial numbers indicates the capability of computer and speed as well.

Fifth Generation
There are three factors that are said to characterize the fifth generation of computers; mega-chip memories, advanced parallel processing, and artificial intelligence. A mega-chip can have more than one million storage locations. With parallel data processing thousands of instructions can be processed simultaneously. Fifth generation computers are expected to have artificial intelligence.

History of Computer

Computers are developed as a result of man's search for a faster way to calculate. Computer is very fast because data and instructions are represented as pulses within electronic circuits and they travel at the speed of light. The inventions and ideas of many mathematicians and scientists led to the development of the computer.

The first mechanical calculating machines were invented during the 1600's. It was in 1642, that liaise Pascal developed the first mechanical calculating machine. The calculating machine could be used for addition and subtraction.
In 1671, Gottfried Leibniz's a German philosopher and mathematician constructed a calculator that was an improvement on Pascal's invention. This machine could add, subtract, multiply, divide and extract roots.
In the 1830's, an Englishman Charles Babbage devised the analytical engine, a kind of calculating machine. The analytical engine used axis and gears to computer values and store them and was designed to be a general purpose device that could be used to perform any mathematical operation automatically. The device includes memory, a central processing unit, input/output, and the use of programming language. All these are key elements in today's computers. That's why Babbage is often referred to as the father of the modern day Computer. Lady Augusta add Lovelace was a mathematician, and a long time supporter of Babbage. Lovelace thought of way to program the machine, so that it would repeat the same set of instructions and carry out instructions, If certain conditions exist. These techniques are till in use today. These techniques are still in use today, to make computer programs more efficient. Because of her work, many consider Lovelace, to be the First programmer.

Introduction to the computer

Computer is an electronic machine that accepts information, processes it according to the specific instructions, and provides the results as new information.
To begin with, you most understand he impact of computer in the world today. Computers are affecting our lives in one-way or the other. Airlines, telephone and electricity bills, banking, medical diagnoses, and weather forecast. The list of services using computers is almost endless.
You must have noticed that some uses of computers, or applications of computers, have made life much easier for you-your air ticket is now issued in a mater of minutes and your credit card gets processed very fast. However, there is something about the computer that might make your fell a little uneasy. Perhaps, a feeling that is far more intelligent and informed and too complex to operate. You may be surprised to know that the computer can't perform any task without you. The computer needs to be instructed on exactly what it has to do.
The computer can store and manipulate large quantities of data at very high speed and even though, it can't think. It can make simple decisions and comparisons. For example, a computer can determine which two numbers is larger or which of two names comes first alphabetically and then act upon that decision. Although the computer can help to solve a wide variety of problems, It is merely a machine and can't solve problem on its own. It must be provided with instructions is the form of a computer program.

A program is a list of instructions written in a special language that the computer understands. It tells the computer which operations to perform and in what sequence to perform them. In simply a computer is an electronic device that can accept input ands store data, process it and produce output

Present Status of computer in Nepal

Now a days, many government and private companies were established .who starts importing from foreign countries and assembling here. Micro computers like, Vector, Apple, Sirus etc were introduce in1983. Today’s there were many companies that provides Computer Training, Maintenances, Sales Supply and Programming.

The first computer in Nepal

The first computer, IBM 1401was introduced in 1972A.D. by HMG Nepal for the Population census. After csnsus government purchased this for data processing in the bureau of statistics and established a separate organization called “Electronic data processing center” in 1975. Which after six years converted to the “National computer center” in 1982.

Field of the computer

Computers are affecting our lives in one-way or the other.
Airlines, telephone and electricity bills, banking, medical diagnoses, and weather forecast. These are the field of the computer.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Internal and External parts of the computer

(A) Front Portion :-
1 Power on Switch
2 Reset or restart button
3 USB port (Universal Serial Bus )
4 Sound port
5 CD Driver :
B) Back Portion :-

1 Fan housing
2 Line out (Female wire is used)
3 Line in (Male wire is used )
4 Key board Port
5 Mouse Port
6 Serial Port
7 Monitor Port
8 Parallel port
9 NIC Port (Network interface Card )
10 USB port
11 Sound Port
C) Mother Board :-
1 Slots
2 RAM(Random Access Memory )
3 Processor
4 Processor colling fan
5 Cell
6 Data cable
7 Sata cable
D) Hard Disk
E) SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply )

Characteristics of the Computer

a) Speed:
Computer can perform any task in very high speed. The speedof computer can be measured in the following units:
Millisecond (10-3)
Microsecond (10-6)
Nanosecond (10-9)
Pico second (10-12)
Femto second (10-16)
b) Storage capacity
Computer is Capable of storage a large amount of data. Different disk are used for storage. Storage unit is byte.
0 or 1………………………………….1 bit
8 bit……………………………………1 byte
1024 byte……………………………..1 K.B. (Kilo Byte)
1024 K.B………………………………1 M.B. (Mega Byte)
1024 M.B. …………………………….1 G.B. (Giga Byte
1024 G.B. …………………………….1 T.B. (Tera Byte)
c) Accuracy:
Computer is 100% Accurate in work. If the data and instruction are entered correctly. The Result given by Computer is always accurate.
d) Diligence:
A computer is capable of doing required tasks again and again without affecting its speed, accuracy and efficiency. It never gets tired.
e) Versatile:
A Computer is a Versatile Machine. It can perform different kinds of task . It is used for various purpose, we can use it many fields

Disadvantage of the computer

1. It is very expensive machine
2. It is difficult to afford for everybody.
3. Chances to data piracy.
4. Large amount of data can be lost sometimes.

Advantage of the computer

1. We can work fast.
2. We can storage large amount of documents.
3. Computer used in various field.
4. It’s gives accurate result.
5. It’s work regularly for a long time.
6. We can share any information all over the world.

History of the Computer

Computers are developed as a result of man's search for a faster way to calculate. Computer is very fast because data and instructions are represented as pulses within electronic circuits and they travel at the speed of light. The inventions and ideas of many mathematicians and scientists led to the development of the computer.
The first mechanical calculating machines were invented during the 1600's. It was in 1642, that liaise Pascal developed the first mechanical calculating machine. The calculating machine could be used for addition and subtraction.
In 1671, Gottfried Leibniz's a German philosopher and mathematician constructed a calculator that was an improvement on Pascal's invention. This machine could add, subtract, multiply, divide and extract roots.
In the 1830's, an Englishman Charles Babbage devised the analytical engine, a kind of calculating machine. The analytical engine used axis and gears to computer values and store them and was designed to be a general purpose device that could be used to perform any mathematical operation automatically. The device includes memory, a central processing unit, input/output, and the use of programming language. All these are key elements in today's computers. That's why Babbage is often referred to as the father of the modern day Computer. Lady Augusta add Lovelace was a mathematician, and a long time supporter of Babbage. Lovelace thought of way to program the machine, so that it would repeat the same set of instructions and carry out instructions, If certain conditions exist. These techniques are till in use today. These techniques are still in use today, to make computer programs more efficient. Because of her work, many consider Lovelace, to be the First programmer.

Introduction to the computer

Computer is an electronic machine that accepts information, processes it according to the specific instructions, and provides the results as new information.To begin with, you most understand he impact of computer in the world today. Computers are affecting our lives in one-way or the other. Airlines, telephone and electricity bills, banking, medical diagnoses, and weather forecast. The list of services using computers is almost endless.
You must have noticed that some uses of computers, or applications of computers, have made life much easier for you-your air ticket is now issued in a mater of minutes and your credit card gets processed very fast. However, there is something about the computer that might make your fell a little uneasy. Perhaps, a feeling that is far more intelligent and informed and too complex to operate. You may be surprised to know that the computer can't perform any task without you. The computer needs to be instructed on exactly what it has to do.
The computer can store and manipulate large quantities of data at very high speed and even though, it can't think. It can make simple decisions and comparisons. For example, a computer can determine which two numbers is larger or which of two names comes first alphabetically and then act upon that decision. Although the computer can help to solve a wide variety of problems, It is merely a machine and can't solve problem on its own. It must be provided with instructions is the form of a computer program.
A program is a list of instructions written in a special language that the computer understands. It tells the computer which operations to perform and in what sequence to perform them. In simply a computer is an electronic device that can accept input ands store data, process it and produce output